Say, "Never Again" to Abuse!

Safeguard Yourself
Against Abusive

Learn How to Avoid and End Hurtful Love Affairs Even If You Are In Fear Now, Feeling Trapped, Tend to be Passive, Or Have a Pattern Of Falling For the Wrong Person

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This Course Gives You Everything You Need to Know to Stop the Physical or Emotional Abuse and Move Forward Happily and Confidently!

  • What is the cause of the rise in domestic violence and how do I get it to stop in my life?
  • Why am I attracted to bad boys? (Or, mean women?)
  • Do opposites really attract? Is that a problem?
  • What types of people become abusive?
  • How to stop emotional abuse from either male or female.
  • Is it my fault? Is there anything I’m doing wrong?
  • How Do I Help Friends or Loved Ones to Escape Abuse?
  • How Do I Get Over a Broken Heart and the Confusion from a Love Affair Gone Wrong?

Watch, Listen, or Read from Any Device

Choose between watching a video, listening to audio only, or, simply reading. This course is compatible with Android, Iphone and Ipad. Download is available but not necessary.

Learn Your Way

  • Complete and Clear Learning Quickly

    Watching video with images cause learning to happen faster and at a more profound level. You’ll get the picture fast!

  • Some People Like Audio Best

    You can download the mp3s to your mobile phone or other device so that you can listen while doing other activities.

  • There's Nothing Like Having It In Print

    Whether you speed read or like to make notes and highlight key points, you are provided with a transcript of the entire course.

  • Lifetime Access

    A one time fee gets you the entire course. Pay once and it’s yours.

Easy Learning

  • The Key to Learning What Abuse Really Is

    This course uses a modern way of teaching that makes it easy to listen to and to digest the material. The content of the course is full of facts and research data that clarifies what happens in the human dynamic of abuse.

  • Learn Unconsciously

    This course offers more than just theory, your mind thinks differently because the most advanced systems are used to cause you to succeed in dealing with a broken heart and with breaking free from abusive relationship patterns.

  • Learn From Experienced Trainers

    Your trainer coaches, one a male and the other a female, are Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Masters that Life Coach as a profession. They are trained in the latest on assertiveness, safety, relationships, and good emotional health. You’re in good hands.

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30 Day Guarantee

You get an ironclad guarantee, you learn how to end and avoid abusive relationships or you pay nothing. If within 30 days you don’t believe that you will live the rest of your life free from abuse, both physical and emotional, drop us a note and you will receive a full refund, no questions asked.


The Value

During the launch, this course, Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships, is only $19.95. After the launch, price increases to $99.95. That's a 80% discount when you sign up for the course now.


Bonus 1

As a bonus you will receive the Time Line Process. This is an amazing process that removes emotions that aren't serving you well, such as lonely, depressed, desperate, etc. Normally, this is a $19.95 monthly membership fee. It is yours FREE for one full month when you sign up today. If you wish to continue the membership you pay only $9.95 from then on. That's a 50% discount for continued memberships rights.

The Time Line Process is more than a course. It has a process that you do as an exercise anytime you have strong negative feelings that you don't want to bear anymore. Works like a charm. It fits very well with the Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships Course.

Bonus 2

As an extra bonus, you will receive the course, Stop Fighting and Bickering. This is a fully comprehensive training on how to get along well with the person you love. Available both in MP3 audio and PDF download. Normally, this is a $49.95 course. Yours FREE when you sign up today.

Bonus 3

Facebook Private Group MembershipFacebook Private Group Membership, an add on that is normally $10 per month, is yours FREE for a lifetime when you sign up today.


Facebook Private Group Membership

Facebook Private Group Membership

What's In It For You

Whether you're dealing with the aftermath of a bad breakup, wanting to get out of an abusive relationship now, or afraid you'll just fall back into another one, this course helps you to know what to do.

Leaving the relationship is dangerous, staying in it is worse. But how do you escape such a nightmare, and then deal with the loneliness and disappointment of a "love of a lifetime" loss?

Learn how to take precautions and use safety measures that gets you out and does so happily, quickly, and safely. This course teaches you how an abuser's mind works and why it's so difficult for most people to break away from it.

Some, maybe most, don't even know they have been abused. You may have thought you were happy and are shocked to be discarded like a disposable utility.

You'll discover, that even though you may carry a lot of guilt feelings, the abuse is really not your fault.

With an epidemic of selfishness in the world, physical and emotional abuse is rampant. It happens to both men and women. Often, men are accused of being the abuser when in reality, they are the abused.

Find out how to safely end and stay away from abusive people from now on and how to be happy, feeling complete, and ready for someone that deserves you.

Methods Used

This course uses straight to the point explanations and provides suggestions on what to do to both avoid future harmful relationships and to end one. You will learn processes to help you cope with your feelings now and create resources that will turn your life around quickly. Find a quiet place. Get paper and pencil. And discover the solution to the plague of abusive relationships.

Practical, Helpful Advice

The strategies taught in this course include both practical advice on what to do and scientific knowledge on what is at the base of your troubled relationship. You no longer have to put up with it. It's time to get help and to get free.

Take Advantage of the Instant Access Available

It takes 30 seconds to have all this knowledge available to you now. Isn't it time to discover the answers to your questions and solutions to your past failed, present failing, and potentially future hurtful relationships once and for all?

Click on the button below and enjoy the course, Safeguard Against Abusive Relationships, and receive your amazing bonuses, the Time Line Process program, and the course Stop Fighting and Bickering - Get Along with the Person You Love at no cost.

Do it today!

Your Trainers


Dale T. Diaz NLP MP


Laura L. Hoag NLP MP

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q.Is this a long pre-recorded seminar or webinar that I have to sit through to get the good stuff?

    A.No. This is a targeted, to the point, training. Questions are asked and solutions are provided with complete explanation, directions, practical suggestions and solutions. Every word said has a reason. There’s no fluff here.

  • Q.How long is the training on video or audio?

    A.The training is approximately one hour long to watch or listen to. Each segment has subcategories to keep your interest. We don’t have very long attention spans now days. This is designed for busy people who may only have ten minutes to listen to in each setting. Though this training is jam packed with knowledge and information, it is fast paced, lively and easy to listen to and digest.

  • Q.I don't know anything about this subject. Will this be over my head?

    A.The course is both for the layperson that has no education in psychology what so ever and for the highly trained. Professionals will benefit from this training as well. Though you may come in knowing nothing about this subject, you will end up very quickly with expert knowledge that very few people have.

  • Q.How does the course actually cause shifts in my thinking, my habits, and my belief systems?

    A.Included with this course is training on a neuro repatterning processes that dissolves negative emotions of any kind . The simple step by step directions are easy for anyone to do. When you’ve done this process you feel resourceful and flexible with your emotions. This process is used in the coaching room often to help clients have an instant improvement on the issue at hand.

  • Q.What if I have questions or don't understand something? Is there any customer service follow up?

    A.When you receive your training you will get the option to join our private Facebook group. Only students can be a part of it. There, students questions will be answered for all to benefit. You’ll  be part of a community that has support both from the trainer coaches and your peers that are in or have been in similar situations.

  • Q.Is this mainly for women or men that have been abused?

    A.This course is designed for both women and men. This is not just about domestic violence, this is about verbal abuse, psychological abuse, emotional abuse and of course, emotional neglect. Both women and men are victims of abuse. Usually, most men don’t make it known but sadly, they are being mistreated by their significant other. It’s actually an epidemic in this day and age. Very few people know what to do about it or where to get help that works. Many don’t even know they are being abused because abusers can be covert and passive aggressive, it’s not alway obvious, and because the victims may have been seduced and manipulated. If you are suspicious that you are being mistreated, you most likely are. It’s not all your fault as they may try to have you believe. Get help.

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Do You Want To Read More? Click Here To Read More About This Course! +

Have You Had Enough With the Abuse?

Have you always wanted to have a truly loving and caring relationship full of attraction and passion, but abusive lovers are all you ever end up with preventing you, time after time, from getting and keeping the love of your dreams? Believe me I know what it's like. I've been there.

Oops! You've Been Fooled

There's nothing more depressing than the frustration and disappointment that comes from believing you may have found the love of your dreams only to find that the one that you thought cared for you is your worst enemy, perhaps the most dangerous villain in your life. Not to mention, it's frightening. The anxiety can be nearly impossible to bear. Even though you may decide to try harder, be nicer and to please your lover more it always ends up bad. Either with cruel words that break your heart and threaten you to be left alone and isolated or even to be physically abused. Sadly, some suffer from both of this type of degrading and damaging treatment. Men and women. No gender is immune.

Who Can Help Me?

Surprisingly, you may seem to find no one that you can talk to that seems to understand or that can do anything to help. You're left feeling like you may always be cursed with bad love and hurtful partners. You feel like a failure and the seeds of doubt begin to grow in your mind as you question your own value and if everything is your fault. You end up feeling, guilty, confused, overwhelmed, and embarrassed and the fear seems to keep you paralyzed.

How To Break Free From Abuse

Until recently, the only way to break free from this cycle of abuse was to seek help from a personal life coach, a therapist or a psychologist, sometimes even from the police, so that you could begin to get clarity, start considering how to keep yourself safe, and how to safeguard yourself from ever falling back into the seemingly inevitable trap of being attracted to and attracting only abusive people to be your partner time after time. However, the BIG problem with this option is that good life coaches are extremely expensive with many coaches charging over $400 PER MONTH for individual coaching sessions. You may have insurance to supplement some of the cost to seek help from a therapist or a psychologist, but even if it is affordable, there is no guarantee that you will find just the right professional that knows how to help you with your unique situation. They may have you come back week after week for months, even years and though you might feel better about yourself, you may still be afraid to do anything about the abuse you're receiving if you are in an abusive relationship now. And most likely, you may still be stuck with the root problem, that is, thinking patterns and beliefs that keep you attracted to selfish people that sooner or later end up being mean to you.

This Is New Cutting Edge Training

That's why today, I'm delighted to share with you my brand new training called, "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships" that is capable of teaching you everything you need to know to break up with an abuser and how to easily spot one before you get entangled with them to begin with. This training causes your mind to think differently about love and your future and to automatically attract genuine, authentic, and kind people into your life. People you also find attractive. I know that may sound unbelievable, but in a moment you'll see how it all works, so just keep reading.

Go To A Specialist, Someone That Is Experienced With Abusive Relationships

My name is Dale Diaz and I am a life coach that specializes on this topic. For the last 12 years, I've helped thousands of men and women who have been abused either physically, emotionally and psychologically, to break free from the grip of the ugly abusive cycle. This online course, as the name suggests, "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships," is an easy to understand program that teaches you the truth about how abusers think, what their patterns of behavior are so that you can identify these insidious, dangerous fakes from the start and, or course, how to safely counteract their bullying, their neglect, and their hateful disrespect. You learn practical things you can do to keep yourself safe even when it's time to end the relationship and escape the abuse.

The Secret Weapon - An Easy To Do Repatterning Process

Best of all, this training walks you through a certain advanced process that causes your mind to shift its way of thinking so that you're no longer suffering bad feelings or being ruled by habit or an abusers manipulations. The simple repatterning system that you receive with this course not only allows you to attract emotionally healthy people that you are highly attracted to from now on, it also provides the learnings necessary to find inner peace and to feel whole and complete whether you happen to have a lover or not at the moment.

Practical Useable Guidance

Unlike many relationship training courses, "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships," does not contain patronizing information or throw away advice that you'd find in the latest edition of Cosmo. Instead, it outlines shocking secrets and the EXACT steps you need to take to stop someone from abusing you, break up with a chronic abuser and then to meet interesting new men or women that are secure, kind and loving.

No More Jerks!

You'll finally know how to instantly filter out the losers and liars, and quickly identify the gold nugget individuals who have true relationship potential. Let me show you one example of exactly how the process we do together in this course works. Let's say that you've ended the relationship. You're out. You're safe. But, you're lonely and you feel like half a person. You know that going back to the abuser will just repeat the problem but you're conflicted, you may almost start to think it's worth the risk because of how much you miss the companionship and other benefits of that love affair.

No More Confusion

You may even think that you still love the abuser. The process starts with you identifying the root negative feelings so that they can be released from your heart and mind. Through simple imagination and a series of easy to take steps you neutralize these injured feelings, why, you even feel differently about the person. You don't have to hate the abuser if you don't want to, but at least you won't feel compelled to accept their abuse back into your life or to have to endure a heartbreaking longing for the love of that person. This one process that may take less than seven minutes to do instantly resolves some of the main issues, including, the misery of feeling alone, abandoned and hopeless. This is just one example. You may want to release other feelings as well. Such as feelings of unworthiness, guilt, shame or fear of the future.

Get Your Life Back

Within a very short time during this course you gain back the confidence and self-esteem that the abuser started to destroy in you. Plus, you'll also discover these points:

  • How to safely break up and end the relationship with an abusive person
  • A simple checklist that teaches you how to spot a potentially abusive person before you let them into your life
  • Why you are often attracted to people who so often turn out to be abusive, either emotionally or physically
  • What the true causes are of abuse in relationships
  • What you can do to stop the abuse no matter how dangerous the toxic person is.
  • How to help others, including friends and family to escape abusive relationships


But don't listen to me - Here's what customers have to say: From David B, a divorcee and successful salesman, he says, "As a nice guy I've always been a magnet for narcissistic, psychopathic, emotionally abusive women. Now, I seem to naturally repel them. I just don't find them to be a temptation any more and they leave on their own anyway. Not a problem for me. There are too many nice women out there that are beautiful." And from Wendy D, a typical girl next door, as she puts it, says, "I was afraid to leave my boyfriend and we had children together. I didn't know what to do. After going through just the first part of this course I had a plan of how I could escape without him trying to kill me. I'm happy to say, I pulled it off. It didn't end up being that hard to do."

How Much Is The Training?

If you've stayed with me this far, I'm sure you're wondering how much the course, "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships," is going to be. And that's a fair question, given that this training reveals the exact same proven, psychologic secrets and effective strategies that you'd expect from a $2,000 to $6,000 relationship seminar or workshop. But there is a limit on my time and the number of people I can help personally, so I created this course to allow everyone who wants to break free from abuse to have access to the life changing tools I've developed over the last 15 years. For a strictly limited time, and only from this web page, you can get FULL access to the entire course on, "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships," for a single one time payment of just $19.95.

Get Instant Access

So if you want to break free from the prison of abusive relationships and learn how to connect with the beautiful, kind people of the world around you, just click the "Get Access Now" button that you see below. And you'll be glad to know that the "Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships" course comes with my personal 100% Rock Solid, money back guarantee. If you don't LOVE the program, for whatever reason, then I actually don't want to keep your money. All you have to do is shoot me a quick email and I'll immediately refund every cent. If ignorance or fear has held you back from escaping abuse, this is the time to find out the solution.

It's Time To Do Something About It

We both know you've been struggling with abusiveness for way too long. If you don't do something about it now, nothing's going to change. You CAN finally break free from the horror of an abusive relationship, you CAN avoid falling in love with just another abusive person again, and most importantly, you can rediscover the joy and happiness in having an exciting and loving relationship in the future, simply by clicking the button and starting the course today. Picture right now, the moment you are having a wonderful meal in a beautiful restaurant and enjoying the thrill of a great conversation with a new friend and potential lover that you know is truly kind and gentle. You smile, you laugh, and you feel the heavy weight that has been lingering for so long start to lift. You get a glimpse of a whole new life ahead of you and you're eager to find out where this new path might lead. That's what I want for you, and I know it's what you want for yourself, so click the "Get Access Now" button right now and let's get you started today!

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80% Off the Regular Price
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