About Us

Experience In Assisting Others to Find True Love

Dale T. Diaz

Dale T. Diaz NLP MP

With over 34 years as a coach, Dale knows how to help you solve your issues and achieve your goals.

Dale is a certified Neuro Linguistic Program Master Practitioner and is experienced with models such as Time Line Therapy, Rational Emotive Behavior, and Typology Models such as Myers and Briggs, Color Code, the Enneagram, DiSC, and Spiral Dynamics.

Additionally, Dale has owned and operated a national seminar and training company called Training Dynamics Inc., since September 1999. He has been a professional public speaker for more than 25 years, taught in nearly every state in the U.S., and has been the keynote speaker for audiences of over 5,000 in attendance.

Dale, for the last 15 years has been focusing on love relationships, dating, and dealing with an abusive partner. After even just one hour with Dale, you will forever be transformed.

Experience training and coaching with Dale and reach your objective.

Laura Hoag

Laura Hoag NLP MP

Laura is a certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner with more than 11 years experience. She is a life coach that causes improvement in the life of those she works with to happen quickly and permanently.

Recently turning her attention to the subject of Narcissistic and Psychopathic Personality Disorders, she assists in dealing with an abusive partner, how to escape the abuse, heal and find real love.

Laura is perfect for the role of host of the program Safeguard Yourself Against Abusive Relationships because of her experience, her talent, and her dedication to victims of abuse and domestic violence.

Enjoy her style as you experience your life transformed, once and for all.

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